Sunday, March 10, 2013

Infatuation ? is he the one? | Psychic Cosmos Blog

When two people first meet and have that wonderful connection, the attraction is usually very strong. Suddenly, you feel high on love and life seems sublime. Two potential lovers check out and focus intently on each other for the first few weeks.

During those first few days or weeks, people often loose their appetite, sleep patterns can be disrupted and normal thought patterns change. It is not uncommon to forget about other plans with friends and family. This is a time when body chemistry is altered and all emotional energy is spent on the new person in our lives.

While the first few days, weeks and even months, life can feel like you have met your perfect soul mate. The feelings are mutual and you think you have fallen in love. This stage of a relationship is known as infatuation.

Many professional psychologists believe that infatuation has three stages:

1. This first stage, the most intense and also the most common, has been referred to as blind desire, without regard to rationality or insight.

2. The second stage, while it may or may not rationally be based on sound judgment, the blind desire may continue. This may lead to a more mature love when infatuation diminishes, as it always does.

3. This third stage can plainly be described as bad judgment, ignoring the reality of the situation. This stage, however, if sound, can lead to a lasting, mature, perfect love relationship.

Infatuation, if sound, can transcend into mature love between two people. If infatuation wanes during the first few days, weeks or months, then love itself never develops. This is the initial bond that ties us together if the relationship becomes more permanent, but if not taken for what it really is, an illusion, then it can die as fast as it began.

The rational mind goes out the window during the infatuation process and people are strictly run by sexual energy and emotion. Sexual energy between two people can be very hard to deny and emotional energy is just that: emotions which are not rational and run the show during this time period.

Infatuation is often confused as love in the beginning of the relationship. An intense desire for each other is not necessarily lasting in nature. When it does continue and as people get to know each other, then a mutual love and respect develops, leading to a long term loving relationship. That is why this get-to-know-you stage should be carefully acknowledged because he/she may or may not be ?the one?.

Tags: love, Relationships


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